Podcast: Wailing On These Hoes

Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Disturbing Myths of Black Feminism

Disclaimer: All the "you"s mentioned in this text refers to the mutha fuckas who foolishly cling to stereotypes of black feminism and/or superficial definitions of black womanhood.

Once again I traveled down a social media rabbit hole to find good old chauvaism at the end of the darkened tunnel. Maybe I'm late to this particular idiot party. Maybe some of you follow the type of short-sighted, incomplete mutha fuckas who post this type of shit but I do not.
First of all... white women didn't indoctrinate black women with SHIT outside of an unrealistic European standard of beauty (but we're breaking those chains slowly but surely). Just in case you missed it, average undereducated citizen, let me enlighten you about this "black feminism" you dispariage so. The white woman's early (and modern) versions of feminism blatantly excluded black women's issues (much like the Black Power Movement which was focused more on black male liberation with black women as mere co-signers). Therefore black women had to carve out a SEPARATE movement which addressed the intersectional oppressions of class, race AND gender without us being forced to deny one disenfranchisement for the others. This movement was referred to as Womanism.
Point #2: Contrary to hilariously popular belief, the feminist/womanist movements have NEVER been about dismantling the family unit. I know when we start talking about "liberation from the outdated patriarchal constructs of society" and "equal rights" you basic mutha fuckas hear "death to men and the family" but that's not the aim. All we desire is equal pay for equal work, equal opportunity in the public and private sectors, equal protection of our civil/human rights, and ultimately the right to CHOOSE and not have choices made for us by nameless, faceless fuck asses who have no understanding of or regard for our individual needs.
Third of all when in the hell did black women "sell out" black men? This meme must have been made by a cat who's getting garnished for child support because not only is that a loaded statement but it sounds bitter as all fuck. Which leads me to address that "statistic" about single-parent households: do women more frequently abandon the home or men? Do you have that percentage pulled up mutha fucka? Of course you don't because your anger at black women has fueled your blind bias. Instead of really researching the FACTS, you would rather unfairly blame a group of people that you don't fully understand. Instead of taking responsibility for your own contributions to the fucked up society in which we live, you would rather throw a positive movement under the bus. So #BeForReal--who's selling out who?
(75% of the likes under this post were from female users! (You know I checked.) Are you broads self-loathing or just slow? I bet they're those "I don't trust no female" brainwashed birds who would gladly push her sister down in the dirt for the sake of pleasing a man. Ol incomplete asses...)

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